The set domain cookies issue losing CFID/CFTOKEN is an IE issue.

I can't find the knowledge base item, but I remember I ran into this a long
time ago.  Try it in another "better" browser.  If it works there, you still
have the issue, but at least you know what is causing it. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Curran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Sessions, losing CFID/CFTOKEN

I've had this problem before...

Sometimes this happens if  "Set domain cookies" is enabled.

- j

james curran
technical director
nylon technology

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Dunnington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Sessions, losing CFID/CFTOKEN

What do most people prefer, Coldfusion or J2EE session variables?

>From what I've researched, it seems that going with J2EE is the best
choice, and I imagine that the main reason for sticking the old-school CF
session variables would be to preserve legacy applications that relied on
CFID and CFTOKEN cookies. With the two different types of session
management, and several identifiers created in several scopes, things can
get confusing. And this brings me to my question :)

I'm having a problem where a client will occasionally lose their session
while clicking around the site. I can see the CFID/CFTOKEN values change in
the URL (as well as the cookie, client, and session scopes - yes, I did turn
on EVERYTHING in cfapplication while testing
:)) I've put locks around the code that modifies session scope variables. To
make things more fun, this doesn't occur on all computers - only about half
the machines in our office have this problem.

I've done a lot of housecleaning in this app, which is good, but the site
still isn't working properly, which is bad. How can I ensure that clients
can actually keep their sessions? What if I don't have the option to use
J2EE session vars? What are the best set of parameters to use in the
cfapplication tag? Should I be using addToken to the cflocation tags I'm
using (admittedly, I'm overusing them, and I think this likely contributes
to the problem.) Where can I get some guidance on proper locking in MX 6.1?

On a somewhat related note, I'm having a problem where I make consecutive
function calls on an object located in session scope that make changes to
the database, and it appears that either the second operation (which adds
rows) is not being run, or is being run before the first operation (which
deletes rows.) In other words, I call first, then and the new address never gets
added. No errors, just an empty database. Sorry for the double question, I'd
be happy with help on either :)

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