On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:26:18 -0500, Michael Dinowitz
> I'm going to be blasted for this, but clustering is the last resort, not
> first.

I would be surprised if anyone blasts you.

> 1. Do you have seperate boxes for DB and webserver? (no)

This would be the first thing I'd suggest (and what everyone else
seems to suggest).

People need clustering for failover more than they need it for
handling load, e.g., macromedia.com runs on a cluster but that's
mostly to give us 100% uptime even when we're making new releases of
the website (we take half the servers out of the cluster and build to
those, test the apps, put them back in the cluster, pull the other
half, build, test, put them back).

And clustering definitely isn't "entry level" - it's expensive.
Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/
Team Fusebox -- http://www.fusebox.org/
Breeze Me! -- http://www.corfield.org/breezeme

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