Why do you want to cluster?  If it is for reliability, then that is ok.
But if you need speed, you may be best off just putting the IIS/CF on one 
computer and the MSSQL2K on the other computer, since you already have one 
license of each.  The computers are cheaper than the licenses. If you do it 
your way, you will need another license of each.
   One other possibility if you have a heavy load of video or graphic or 
PDFs, is to set up a 3rd server, hopefully linux to save on that OS 
license, just to serve the graphic and static stuff.
   When I first started, I made the mistake of having everything on one 
server.. IIS/ SQL server and REAL video server.  The real video got too 
busy and slowed down everything.  What I do now is have the Video on a 
separate server (hosted elsewhere:), so if it gets bogged down, it doesn't 
affect the speed of the website itself.

>Right now I have 1 CFMX6.1 Pro license and a single IIS  box, sharing
>MSSQL2K with CF over 2 1Ghz processors, and a gig of ram.

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - CFHosting.net

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