IIS --> Website --> Properties --> Home Directory --> Configuration
(Application Settings).

Are there Application Mappings for cfm, cfml, cfc, etc? 


On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 00:04:38 +1100, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is very disappointing for me - I had high expectations that the
> Macromedia install people would have learned from the fiasco
> surrounding the CFMX6.0 install routines.  No such luck.    There is
> no documentation anywhere telling us what to do if the installation
> doesn't go perfectly.   And nowhere does it say that CFMX7 wont work
> with IIS5.1, the currently installed IIS with WinXPPro.
> So far it's cost me a lot of hours and i have NO working CFMX on my
> dev machines.   Here's the saga so far ....
> [A] downloaded the trial version.
> [B] didnt extract properly (thanks Kay for the heads-up on that!)
> [C} downloaded another copy, tested it with WinZIP and it worked ok.
> [D] installed it into my Dev PC and let it take all the defaults.
> [E] it didnt work.    All .cfm files would try to open in dreamweaver
> or download, not execute.
> [F]  Tried the web site configuration tool - it couldn'lt recognise
> any jrun and I couldn'lt get it to give me an OK button so i could
> configure any sites.   In the services tool of WinXPPRo it showed that
> IIS, and JRUN are both running.
> [G] After mucking about with it for an hour, I decided to uninstall it
> and try again.
> [H] uninstalling CFMX7 removed my CFMX6.1 CFIDE folder, so my CFMX,
> working, administrator was broken.
> [I] I reinstalled CFMX7, and no change - still didnt work.   I decided
> that despite all the claims to the contrary, it didnt like being on a
> windowsXPPro PC with CFMX6.1
> [J]  I uninstalled all versions of CFMX and reinstalled CFMX7.
> [K]  No change to the situation in F, except now i didnt have CFMX6.1
> either.  Now none of my dev sites work and the only way to do work is
> to edit in dreamweaver, and upload to the production and test there.
> BAD!!
> [L] On the advice from a helpful CF-Talk-er, I ran the batch files to
> connect to JRUN and IIS, but while they both ran without giving
> errors,  it made no difference.
> [M] on another suggestion of a helpful CF-Talk-er, I Uninstalled it
> yet again, rebooted a couple of times, to ensure no trace of CFMX7
> remained, then disconnected from ASDL, turned off anti-virus and
> firewall, and ran the install again.  Nothing different.  Still IIS is
> working, ColdFusion isnt.
> If anyone has any better ideas, I'm at a loss as to what to try next.
> I've got my back against the wall now, because the only way I can work
> on any sites is to work directly on the live or the client-viewable
> staging sites.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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