I hate that Michael took the link ads off because of some whining. Oh this
is mine oh I wrote it, I should have the final say wha wha 

Then write it on your own site and post links to it. That's not hard is it?

I've come a looong way with not only CF but web dev in general since I
joined this list and am forever grateful to those that have helped but even
more so, I am grateful to Michael for all his hard work in giving me easy
access to all your brains and still taking the time to post solutions to
others' problems on the list.

There is a donate link at the bottom of HoF. I used it because I almost feel
guilty for everything I've gotten from this list without paying anything.
Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age.

I definitely think that a paid subscription would run off a lot of people
and keep the newcomers down. Personally, I think what I get (what we all
get) here is worth some change per year and Ill just keep using the donate
link for it. Hopefully this thread will make others realize 

..how much work has gone into HoF 
..how much BETTER it is than any other CF resource out there 
..that it can’t be free to keep it up 

and help compensate by donating as well

I still think it's funny how a simple entry in a host file could have solved
this whole thing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: wtf are those advertizing links in the text?

But...again...it's inappropriate to try to limit Mike
on what he can make...that's absolutely none of our
business...you should only ask if it's worth $20 a year
for what you get from participating in the list.

If Mike can make $40,000 plus by helping 2,000
people all year long...more power to him!

I would be happy for him if he made $1,000,000 per year
at $20 a year from us!


 From: Tony Weeg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:24 PM
To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Subject: Re: wtf are those advertizing links in the text? 

$20 bucks a year, from the 2000+ people... thats a nice chunk of
change for mike for this? yes?

> I believe the suggestion was to have it be an optional subscription, if
you don't want the links. I think that's a reasonable compromise, although
$10 a month seems pretty high to me just to not have ads.
> Mary Jo Sminkey
> www.cfwebstore.com


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