Normally if you want to loop over form fields, you can use something like

<cfloop list=#form.fieldnames# index="thisField">
   <cfset whateverVariable = #StructFind(form,thisField)#>


On 2/4/06, j s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is passed to tag first.  What I'm not clear on is how to loop the form
> fields.
> <cfmodule
>      template="productAdd.cfm"
>      action = "add"
>      ProductID = "#FORM.ProductID#"
>      qty = "#FORM.Qty#"
>      options = "#FORM.Option.CurrentRow#"
> >
> >Hi,
> >By saying 'I want to pass these options along with the productID and
> qty',
> >are you saying that when you submit the form, the values are not being
> >passed to the action page?
> >
> >Otherwise Ian's answer about the array notation for form data seems
> right.
> >In simple terms, the radio button for option1 will be named
> >form.option1(when the action page sees it) and it's value will be
> >#form.option1#.
> >
> >If you know the total number of options, you can loop through that number
> >like so (not tested):
> >
> ><cfloop from=0 to=thatNumber index="thisNumber">
> >   <cfif StructKeyExists(form,'option#thisNumber#')>
> >      <cfset whateverVariable = #form["option" & thisNumber]#>
> >   </cfif>
> ></cfloop>
> >
> >George
> >

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