Here's an example of a batch file that you could schedule via AT or WinAT
(or any other non-CF scheduling service).  The first two lines set NT
environment variables.  QUERY_STRING is anything that might appear after the
? in a URL calling your template.  You'll probably need the double quotes
around this line because the multiple = signs in a typical query string
confuse the command processor.  The second environment variable is the
complete path of the CF template file that you're executing.  The last line
calls the CF executable, which will use the environment variable previously

set "QUERY_STRING=RequestTimeout=300"
set CF_TEMPLATE_PATH=d:\web\mo\xfer\lodging.cfm

I wouldn't mind seeing that post regarding getting CF scheduling to work.
I'm not having any luck.  I use CFSCHEDULE from within my CF app to schedule
a couple of templates, but they're not being executed.  If I look under the
CF Administrator, they're placed there with all parameters exactly as I
specified, but they don't run.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aidan Whitehall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: Reliability of CFSCHEDULE in CF 4.5.1

> > Is CFSCHEDULE any more reliable in v4.5.1 than in past
> > releases?  I've never
> > trusted it, always using Windows AT to run batch files
> > launching templates.
> I'm really struggling with the scheduler at the moment... nuthin' seems to
> work (haven't tried setting up events using the CFSCHEDULE tag, though).
> I took a quick look at help on the AT command the other day and wondered
> where the hell to start. Do you have a sample batch file you could send me
> to show how to set an AT job up?
> On another note...
> Smeone posted a message a couple of months ago on how to set up a
> event so that it always worked... quite a detailed procedure. Does anyone
> have a copy of that e-mail, or is the original poster listening?
> Thanks
> --
> Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Netshopper UK Ltd
> Advanced Web Solutions & Services
> Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
> Fax +44 (01744) 648651
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