Cfeclipse doesn't require any version of CF to run, it is an IDE.
It does support writing code for both CF5 and CFMX though. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 May 2006 17:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ASP.Net book for CF programmer

What is the minimum CF version required for CFEclipse?

It's probably one of the latest versions, which brings me full circle in
this discussion.  I run my own CF server, and I'm still using the first
version I ever bought...4.5.

I've been considering upgrading, but spending the $600 (I thought) was a
little much to simply upgrade to the latest version with no pressing project
requirements for the capabilities...not to mention the headaches that always
accompany an upgrade.

Now I find out that to go from 4.5 to 7 will require a full purchase...
$ I'm starting to think that my time (without spending any
additional money) might be better spent moving to ASP.NET 2.0, where the IDE
(Visual Web Developer 2005 Express) is free and SQL Server Express is free
(although I currently use MySQL, which is free, so no change monetarily
there...and the biggest part is that I don't have to have anything but IIS
6.0 (also free) to run ASP.NET 2.0.

So it's a question of whether to stick with CF, which I love, but is costly,
especially when developing web apps for offices to use which require the
office to purchase a copy of CF and makes my prices have to include the copy
of CF and training in admin for them.

It's simply a matter of money at this point.  I'd much rather code CF, but I
can learn aspx / C# if I have to.  I learned CF, I can learn ASP...
Once I learn it, coding it won't be a big deal.  Sure CF is faster, but with
good code reuse, it'll be minimum, I think.  And, it's not like I'm in a
horse race.  I'm an independent developer, so I don't have corporate bosses
breathing down my neck to finish something in two hours.

And for that matter, Flex works with ASP.NET, also, so it's not like I'd be
cutting Flex out of my future...

I know this will be a "blasphemous" question for some on this list, but is
there a good mailing list I can join to get some insight into what
people are facing using  I don't like forums...

This list has been one of the big reasons I've been able to be successful as
a CF developer without any classroom training.  I just read, work example
apps, and ask a *lot* of questions...and people here have always been
helpful.  Just wish I knew enough to help answer questions...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Fleitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 12:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ASP.Net book for CF programmer

FlexBuilder comes packaged with Eclipse to run as a standalone app, but you
can also choose to install the plugin, if you are already using Eclipse for
CF/Java work, for instance.  Then you just change 'perspectives'.  You ought
to find some time to download Eclipse and start learning how to configure
it, etc.  It's really pretty slick and there is a lot of stuff out there for
it. I am a newbie myself, coming up to speed, using it for a couple
projects. CFEclipse is really coming along (nice job guys).

On 5/5/06, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Jeff, for the info and the updates!
> It's good to know that I won't have to sacrifice two legs and an arm 
> to get into Flex...just an arm. :o)
> When you say that Flex Builder is built on top of Eclipse, do you mean 
> Eclipse will be needed separately, or is it just the coding and style 
> that is similar to Eclipse?
> And I think you're right, although it's a shame, that Flex will have 
> to be relegated to the "backroom" of app development and not be used 
> for the "showrooom" until search engine spider compatibility can 
> somehow be addressed.  It would be a shame to use such a powerful tool 
> in such a limited roll.
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Fleitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 9:06 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: ASP.Net book for CF programmer
> The info you are looking at regarding Flex pricing appears to be for 
> the 1.5version.  Unless you buy into Flex Data Services, Flex 2 is 
> essentially 'free'. Adobe is releasing the SDK for free, which means 
> that you could build Flex apps with notepad if you were daring enough. 
> FlexBuilder, which is built on top of Eclipse, will  cost somewhere 
> under $1000 ($999 probably ;).  The apps you build (swfs) can be 
> distributed royalty free, kinda like deploying a Visual Basic 6/FoxPro 
> app. If you need advanced data services then you buy FDS.  It appears 
> that CFMX folks are going to have a distinct advantage with the data 
> tier, as least intially.
> I think if you are going to develop Flex apps for a living then 
> FlexBuilder is a must. Other wise, you can use another editor. I use 
> PrimalScript routinely, and they will be providing full support for 
> Flex2/AS3.
> I see Flex more as a way to build backend systems that would 
> traditionally mirror the functionality of a tradtional client/server 
> system. At least that is how I would use it.  Administrative backends, 
> private subscription areas, etc, places where the search engine is not 
> going to tread anyway.

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