I'm thinking you can have .html, .htm or even .asp handled by the CF
server. I could be way off, but go to IIS, WebSite, Properties,
HomeDirectory, Configuration. Here you see how file extensions are
handled and can edit them. Just change the executable path of the .htm
to match that of the .cfm, and give it a go.

On 9/1/06, Pete Ruckelshaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a tricky technical problem that I'm trying to solve.  I think I
> could resolve this issue if I was able to process .html files as
> ColdFusion code.  Is there any way to set IIS up to do this?  I am
> using IIS5 & CFMX 7 on WinXP (development environment) and Win2K3
> Server (well, that's actually IIS6, and it's the production server).
> Thanks,
> Pete

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