He was being sarcastic, that was obvious.

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-----Original Message-----
From: John C. Bland II
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sat Sep 30 22:15:40 2006
Subject: Re: CF vs. .NET presentations?

Are you seriously stating you called MSFT about IE not rendering something
right? That is definitely not a bug. IE has a rendering engine. CSS
developers know what it can and can't handle. If you did something it can't
handle, tough cookies. Fix your CSS...not IE. lol.

Sorry man, that just seemed pretty far-fetched. Now, if you had an issue
with a .NET applicaiton or ASP.NET site, you called MSFT, and got the same
responses...I would understand.

Not trying to flame you or anything. Your email just didn't make much sense,
to me at least.

On 9/30/06, Jochem van Dieten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Small wrote:
> > One of the biggest things that can be said about MS products is that
> > they are supported, constantly.
> IIRC the only web development language of any significance ever deprecated
> by its vendor was ASP.
> > But even better, we have professional support for the little guy. When
> > you write you own memory leak (and believe me, it can be done using
> > JRUN and CF) we can tell you why that exists as well.  Our
> > professional support costs some money ($245) but that's cheap when you
> > have a seriously important application that needs to be fixed NOW.
> So next time I find an issue where for instance a bug in IE results in
> incorrect rendering, I can just call and I get a bugfix a month later?
> is not my experience with MS support. My experience is more along the
> of "that is not a bug, that is a feature". Another famous one is "we can
> disclose whether this bug exists because that would open us to
> Or how about "it is not a bug but we won't charge you for reporting this
> you will have a much better experience with the next version".
> In my experience (with any software vendor) the only recource the small
> guy can really rely on is the source code and sufficient skill to fix it
> yourself.
> Jochem

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