Still playing with getting email sent to the proper folks from a bunch of

I'm using a list and "ListAppend" to build up the addresses that the email
goes to.  Usually it's about 5 different address, which come from a
database, a few form fields and/or data driven drop down lists.

So, my once my list is built ("SdMlTo"), which I'm having no trouble with...

Which is better?

<CFMAIL to="#SdMlTo#"  <!--- which is the entire list separated by ";"s --->

or separate emails sent to each folk in the list?  I know how to do a query
from a database to send to multiple recipients, and <CFMAIL> will loop
through each returned address in the query, but how would I get it to loop
through my list "SdMlTo" to send to each recipient separately? Or do I even
need to worry about that?

Actually, I would, because there may be a case where I need to send out the
same email to the 5 returned addresses, but maybe an attachment to only ONE
of them......


Les Mizzell
The main reason Santa is so jolly is
because he knows where all the bad girls live.

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