Setting up a simple if statement to attach a file to an email...

Doing it like...

<CFIF #participation# EQ "2">

However, the server is returning:

"Cold Fusion cannot determine how to process the tag <CFMAILPARAM>. The tag
name may be misspelled."

That's not a standard tag?  If not, what's a better way to do this?

It *WILL* work by wrapping the entire <CFMAIL> in the if statement and
putting "mimeattach="..." inside the <CFMAIL> header, but then you have to
repeat the entire <CFMAIL> (and it's BIG!) for the <CFELSE> side and that
sure adds a lot of code....

Les Mizzell
The main reason Santa is so jolly is
because he knows where all the bad girls live.

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