Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  I forgot to post his specific gripes about it.  Here
> is a quick summary:
> - non-standard sql

I think that depends on what you call 'standard sql'. To me, standard SQL is 
what is defined in ISO/IEC 9075 and few do better then PostgreSQL in that 
respect. But if you take 'standard sql' to mean 'the SQL in product X', you may 
discover many differences.

> - difficult to backup / migrate

What is difficult about scheduling "pg_dumpall -f dumpfile"?

For migration he may have a point. PostgreSQL will not allow you to shut down 
the database, pack up the data files, put them on another machine and start up 
there. While this technically is possible in some circumstances, it is not a 
documented procedure because it is guaranteed not to work when you move from 
for instance Windows to an AIX mainframe. Other products that only run on 
limited platforms and do not have to worry about memory alignment and the 
endianness of the host operating system do not have this limitation.

> - user authenication is weak

PostgreSQL allows the DBA to use anything from no authentication to Kerberos 
and you can even create single-signon with a Windows domain. User 
authentication is as weak as the DBA configured it to be.

And if we extend this to security in general you might want to Google a bit. 
PostgreSQL is highly regarded for its security track record and is often an 
example to other databases. For instance, while many databases install 
themselves under an account with elevated privileges by default even when that 
is technically not necessary, PostgreSQL refuses to run if it has more 
permissions then it needs.

> - difficult to setup

> - difficult to manage

To manage PostgreSQL you need to do a few things that are clearly spelled out 
in the manual:
Again I would have to ask what is so hard about setting up a scheduled task.

In short: you may want to ask him if he is not confusing PostgreSQL with some 
other database.

> Your post was most informative, for sure.  But there's one thing that you
> mentioned that I was unaware of that is pretty much an instant turn-off for
> me: cAsE sEnSiTiViTy.

PostgreSQL identifiers are only case sensite if you make them case sensitive by 
enclosing them between double quotes. The following code will run just fine:




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