Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> I've always used MSSQL and quite frankly am quite fond of it - except for
> licensing costs.  I've read a few posts here and there where people have
> talked highly of PostgreSQL, so I'm thinking about giving it a shot on a new
> server (windows box).  I mentioned this to a buddy of mine who is a DBA, and
> he said to steer well clear of it.  While I value his opinion greatly, I was
> wondering if the users here would care to share their personal + vs. -
> arguments for PostgreSQL?

+ rich SQL support
+ easy to install / configure
+ portable
+ low resource usage
+ excellent documentation
+ great community support
+ many options for commercial support
+ liberal license
+ understandable source code

The only thing I miss in PostgreSQL is eager update-everywhere replication. 
There are commercial offerings for that, but all the community offerings are 
either lazy or master-slave.


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