On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:23 AM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.  Do you currently run MySQL and/or PostgreSQL on
> Windows boxes?  If so, what version(s) for both the db server and  
> windows
> servers?

Both.  8.2 for Postgres and 5.1 for MySQL.    XP Pro and Server 2003  
for the OS.

> Also, just to clarify on the case-sensitivity point you made, am I  
> correctly
> understanding that the following query **typically**
> would not have any
> issues?
> <cfquery>
> SELECT my_field
>    FROM my_table;
> </cfquery>
> Even if the field was named as 'my_Field' (minus the quotes) in the
> database?

Actually, the other way around.  When you convert your tables over to  
Postgres, you'll have to lowercase them.  Once again, though if you  
don't quote the table names in the script, Pg will automatically take  
care of lower casing that for you when you run the Create's.

Then any queries you have with mixed case names for the table  
attributes will still run.

If you uppercase any of the table/column names,  you will have to  
quote them.



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