On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:13 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> Am I correctly understanding what I'm reading on their site that  
> Aqua Data
> Studio supports ALL of the listed databases in the same client?   
> (As opposed
> to having a different one for each DB?)

Yes.  It rocks!

Dave L's instructions are probably the easiest to migrate the data -  
if you can use DTS.     If you don't want to use DTS you can set your  
export preferences in Aqua Data Studio to format the query for  
Postgres compatibility.    You'll still need to do some tweaking  
especially on date/time formats of the data (most of the time you can  
simply place {} around the timestamps), but if you use Enterprise  
Manager or Studio Express to generate the export script, you'll have  
a lot more to clean up since it generates a bunch of MS-specific  
stuff in the export query.

Some common datatype conversions for your adventure:  :-)
MSSQL                           |       Postgres
IDENTITY(1,1)   =       serial
varchar                         =       character varying
datetime                        =       timestamp without time zone
int                                             =       integer
text                                    =       text

If you migrate the data using DTS and then change the column types to  
serial later, you may need to run the following script on each table  
to establish the next sequence value for auto-incrementing (With your  
variables inserted for the table variables of course):

SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('#table#',  
'#table_id#'), (SELECT max(#table_id#) FROM #table#), true);

Good luck!


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