
While it could be done, using FTP is going to be extremely sluggish--unless
you can manage to keep the FTP session open all day. 

If you have to log in for each request, you're going to end up adding a good
second or two to the entire process just for the FTP authentication
operations. That's going to seem like forever to a customer on their

If the client insists on FTP, I'd probably look into writing/finding an
application that would monitor a specific folder and push any new files to
the FTP server--something that would run as a service and would maintain the
FTP session.

That way you'd simply write a file to one folder, it would be pushed to the
SCO server and then when it's done it would push a result back to another
folder on your server.

It still might be too sluggish, but it would seem like the best method for
managing this problem.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 8:32 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: CF and Legacy Systems... Need Some Advice/Help
>Good morning all. I have a client that has a CF based website (built by
>myself around 5 years ago) and a SCO Unix Open Server backend. It's a
>system with software that's been heavily modified over the last 20-25
>Neither system communicates with the other.
>The client is looking to streamline the order fulfillment process and to
>"get with 21st century". They wish to add a live inventory and live credit
>card processing feature to their website.
>Though I have done this type of work in the past, I have never worked with
>legacy system to complete this. And, to complicate matters, the software
>technicians that administer the SCO Unix Open Server DO NOT wish to use a
>HTTP protocol to communicate between the two servers. They tell me that
>wish to communicate to my CF server via the FTP protocol.
>A basic interaction would go something like this. A customer would attempt
>to place an item in their shopping cart. Before the item is added to the
>cart an "inventory check" is made. A CF process would write an XML file and
>FTP it to the remote SCO Unix Open Server. The remote server would then
>respond and push a response file back to the CF server. The CF server would
>process the file and determine a Yes/No answer and either add the item to
>the cart or display a message that the item is out of stock to the
>I was wondering, can this even be done with CF and the FTP protocol instead
>of using HTTP? With HTTP, this would be relatively easy with the <cfhttp>
>tag. With FTP, I am not sure how the communication would work. :(
>In my mind, even if I used the CF Event Gateway to monitor a predefined
>directory for FTP traffic... I cannot figure out how to parse the FTP file
>and send the response back to "the right" shopping cart.
>Does that make sense? Any help anyone could provide me would be much
>Regards, Che

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