> You made a valid point, but let me switch to cfquery for a 
> min. It has become best practice to use cfqueryparam to stop 
> sql injection, but there is times when you don't need it either.
> And as discussed on another mailing list about this issue, I 
> made the point that if the query is inside a cfunction where 
> the conditions where either inside the function or passed 
> through as arguments, then a cfqueryparam is certainly not 
> needed. But people still do it because it is best practice.

This is a poor analogy, because it's very easy to determine whether you need
to use CFQUERYPARAM: if you use data that originated from the browser in
your query, directly or indirectly, you need to prevent SQL injection
attacks. Otherwise, you don't. It doesn't matter whether your CFQUERY is
within a function; if it is, and it uses arguments that originated with
browser-supplied data, then you are vulnerable to the same SQL injection
attacks. Of course, since CFQUERYPARAM can also provide performance
benefits, you might want to use it elsewhere as well. In general, prepared
statements perform better.

Locking, on the other hand, degrades performance. Unnecessary locking
degrades performance unnecessarily.

> *"Locking shared scope variables within ColdFusion templates 
> is an often overlooked process that has severe consequences 
> when best practices are not followed. This document will 
> explain why the process of locking shared scope variables is 
> important and the corresponding best practices.
> Developers should be advised that these practices should not 
> be considered optional under any circumstances. Most cases of 
> ColdFusion site instability can be traced back to inproper 
> use or complete lack of locking. ...

You realize that this quote is not applicable to CFMX, right? Omitting locks
hasn't caused instability since CF 5. There have been significant changes to
how locking works between CF 5 and CFMX, and consequently, to how you should
implement locking within your applications.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
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