> You shouldn't have to explain why you love DW over Eclipse.  DW is
> pretty darn awesome and I'm not scared to spread the word, either.  I,
> too, live in DW code view and shun frameworks.
> "Hi, I'm Mike and I'm a DreamWeaver user."

I'm sorry. I honestly didn't want those comments to come across that way. I 
was just *really* wondering if what I wasn't already doing *was* in fact, a 
framework, and if, during the course of the way I and my group programs, is 
a framework worth looking into. I was merely trying to sort of "set the 
stage" for some people "in the know" to provide me with some honest, clear, 

I'm starting to feel like we're all at a crucial turning point. RIAs, Flex, 
MXML, and AJAX, and now Adobe CS3.

So you start to think, "should I get CS3? or is this the time when I start 
to look at alternative ways to get the results we've been getting?"

I'm not shy about learning curves, or any of that. If a particular framework 
will work for me, and help me be a better programmer, then I'm on board...

But what I'm most afraid of, is abandoning something that's worked so well 
for so long for something that just seems... I dunno... "the flavor of the 
day" maybe? I just see so many Framework discussions going on, and I see so 
many people advocating different frameworks, that I start to wonder if it's 
not the way to go, then I alternate back to the other side of the fence and 
think, "no, it's worked really well for this long, and Adobe is still 
delivering us good versions of Dreamweaver, so perhaps I'll just stick with 

I REALLY wonder more than anything if I do my employer a disservice by not 
looking into these frameworks and methodologies, but when you start to go 
down that road, it just seems like there are too many decisions to make and 
too many ways to skin the same cat.

But again, opinions are like... well... you know... so please don't take 
mine to heart. And I certainly was purposely trying to stay away from 
turning this discussion into a Dreamweaver vs. Frameworks pissing 
contest.... so sorry if it came across that way... I'm just genuinely 
interested in the discussion... 

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