Eric Roberts wrote:
> I wasn't referring to Mark at all...that was directed at the people
> responding to bug reports for Eclipse.  Instead of basically telling
> everyone with Vista they are SOL because the zipping protocol they use or
> something within how they zip their files doesn't work in Vista...  they
> should be trying to fix that issue so that it is compatible with
> Vista...

Why? Obviously, if it was a problem for them the issue would be a 
priority. Since Eclipse is free it doesn't create more revenue for the 
developers either. So what would the developers get in return for 
completely reworking their code?

And whatever the response to that question is, the developers apparently 
feel that is just not enough incentive.

> even if it is a limitation coming from Vista.

The real funny thing is that using Unicode and NTFS Windows supports 
path names of up to 32k. That is way longer then on all those other 
operating systems where Eclipse can easily be extracted with the native 
tools :)

> By telling everyone
> tough crap...I'm not doing squat about's a Vista issue and it is
> MS's problem, not theirs...that is a piss poor attitude.

Are you willing to fix the limitations of other peoples code for free? 
If you are, please go fix the code in Eclipse.
If you are not, please don't ask of the Eclipse developers to do what 
you are unwilling to do yourself.


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