any idea when those of us with the upgrade subscription thingie
can expect our copies to show up?

tony :)

On 7/31/07, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What's the deal with people who think that you should be
> > happy to pay more because there are new features.
> No one said anything about being happy. You should, however, expect to pay
> more because there are new features, just like you do with every other
> product in existence.
> > If all the ColdFusion die hard's who go hide in a hole and
> > don't speak up when something like this stupid pricing
> > happens then these problems are never going to get addressed.
> > People are too scared to say what they think and risk
> > tainting their perfect CF image.
> I think you're reading a whole lot into nothing. Personally, I don't think
> the pricing is a problem. If I did, then I'd agree with you. Either it's
> worth the price to you, or it isn't. I do notice it's a whole lot cheaper
> than Oracle or SQL Server database servers.
> These "problems", like any other market issues, will be decided by the
> market. I suspect that the market of enterprise buyers will not be put off
> by the price increase of CF Enterprise.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more information!
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