yeah that is not right at all since the SMTP server is about 99.9% of
the time is not going to be the the reverse of a domain name in the

What he probably means is that .100 does not have a PTR at all... may
want to check that.


On 11/2/07, Al Musella, DPM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   No - I am not sure about any of this:)
>    Most of the time I have no problem, then all of a sudden an ISP
> will block all of my mail for a few days until I call them and ask to
> be removed from their blacklist.   These messages are medical related
> newsletters that people opt into. Never sent unsolicited.
>    One tech at prodigy told me I was blacklisted because the reverse
> dns didn't match up with the domain name used. He specifically said
> that the messages came from my .100, whose reverse DNS is not the
> domain name on the FROM field.  (.100 is what cold fusion sends the
> mail from, .108 is the domain of my web site, .98 is my mail server)
>   It doesn't sound right to me.   They did mention I could pay to
> make sure my email gets through. Sounds like they are randomly
> blocking email to extort me?  Does anyone else get seemingly random
> blacklisting?
> >Al Musella, DPM wrote:
> > > The problem is that when you do a reverse dns lookup on the email
> > > message, it doesn't come back as the domain name that the mail
> > was sent from.
> > >    I send newsletters from a few websites, and they have been getting
> > > rejected by a lot of major ISPs.  My spf is set to all mail from the
> > > correct ip addres, but the reverse dns entry pops up a reg flag.
> >
> >Are you sure about that? Mail servers routinely compare the identity the
> >mail server presents in its EHLO to the PTR record, but checking the PTR
> >of the mail server against the domain in the sender e-mail address is
> >extremely rare (not in the last place because the from address <> should
> >always be accepted by a mail server).
> >
> >Jochem
> >
> >
> >

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