My guess would be that cfqueryparam caches somethings into memory.

But is a 300 meg climb really that big of a deal?

Still not a good enough reason NOT to use it :-)


On 1/22/08, Vesko Kehayov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have a large content management application used by retailers to manage 
> their website content and website storefront. The application uses ColdFusion 
> 7.02, MSSQL Server 2000 and IIS.  We have a load balanced environment with 5 
> webservers.  The application has over 10,000 cfquery tags and until recently 
> we did not use cfqueryparam.  We upgraded the application to use cfqueryparam 
> in all queries and noticed a significant increase in the JRUN Working Set 
> usage on all webservers.  Prior to the upgrade the JRUN working set was flat 
> at roughly 550 mb and after the change the JRUN working set climbed over 
> 800mb.
> Has anyone else ever experienced this or have additional knowledge as to why 
> the webserver memory usage has increased so significantly.

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