I would expect that under the hood, when you use cfqueryParam,
ColdFusion is able to pool/cache the Java PreparedStatement objects.

Since htey are cached, they don' t need to be recreated on every SQL
call, which wil aid in your SQL performance.

There is a 'max pooled statements' setting on a datasource, you may
find that changing that will change how the memory is held up.

Mind you, this is mostly supposition on my part, it is how i would
expect CF to work behind the scenes.

That being said, what does it matter?  RAM is pretty inexpensive these
days, and if you get the added SQL security and performance, it's no
big deal.


On Jan 23, 2008 2:05 PM, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I'm not stunned by this, but I can't really explain it.  I
> mean, using cfqueryparam forces CF to use bind variables to send to
> the query... and it does some level of data validation probably though
> I'm not sure the CF side of things handles any of that (though I
> suspect the maxlength attribute is handled by CF at the very least).
> So your memory usage goes up.  But what about the performance?  If
> individual queries are run many many many times, the use of
> cfqueryparam in a high traffic system should provide significant
> performance improvements on top of the obvious security benefits
> Memory is relatively inexpensive too, really - unless the extra memory
> forces you to buy a significantly more expensive server or operating
> system.
> Rick
> On 1/22/08, Vesko Kehayov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We have a large content management application used by retailers to manage 
> > their website content and website storefront. The application uses 
> > ColdFusion 7.02, MSSQL Server 2000 and IIS.  We have a load balanced 
> > environment with 5 webservers.  The application has over 10,000 cfquery 
> > tags and until recently we did not use cfqueryparam.  We upgraded the 
> > application to use cfqueryparam in all queries and noticed a significant 
> > increase in the JRUN Working Set usage on all webservers.  Prior to the 
> > upgrade the JRUN working set was flat at roughly 550 mb and after the 
> > change the JRUN working set climbed over 800mb.
> >
> > Has anyone else ever experienced this or have additional knowledge as to 
> > why the webserver memory usage has increased so significantly.
> >
> >

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