> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 3:03 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Is the need for multiple CF instances diminishing?
> > Are other technologies limited to 1GB or ram?
> Doesn't Java suffer from this same "limitation"?  It is my understanding
> that the memory limit is a Java thing, not a CF thing.  Please correct
> me if I'm wrong.

32bit Java.  64bit Java doesn't suffer from this limitation AFAIR.  Speaking
of which, is CF certified on any 64bit java?  I remember something about it
being certified on x64 Solaris or something.  

Is anyone using it on a 64bit Java under windows?  

> > ...the fact that you can't have more then 1GB per instance...
> But don't instances offer a way around that really?  You can put 8
> instances sharing the same codebase with 1.5 Gigs of RAM apiece and
> cluster them together.  Now you are using all your RAM.

Sort of.  The problem lies when each of your instances needs to hold a lot
of data, and especially if that data lies in session scope.  Replicating the
sessions will cause all of the instances to use the same amount of memory
for the session scope, so you don't really get around the 1Gig limit.  

> Also, perhaps not that many people uses instances for this-- but I kind
> of surprised that no one has really mentioned High Availability and
> fail-over.  If you have a site with a load that requires more than one
> instance and needs to have constant uptime but you don't want to pay for
> a hardware load balancer, simply spread a handful of instances across
> several physical machines, cluster them together, and let JRUN balance
> your load for you.  It may not be a spotless solution, but it has merit.

High availability and failover is great, but I would be surprised if .NET
didn't have something comparable.  Session replication is known to be flaky
and doesn't replicate certain objects until CF8.  


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