Hi, all...

I'm working on a real estate website
and for the first time, I'm setting up agents'
sites using subdomains.

I have some ideas on how to approach this, but
I thought I'd ask about those of you with experience
doing this kind of thing to offer advice.

First, on the folder structure.  I've set up an "agents"
folder under the root of the main broker site and setting
up my standard subfolders, cfm, images, includes, etc.
Is there a far better way to set up the structure?  Or would
I be better off to set up an independent "agents" site with
the agents folder (or whatever it would be called) as the
root folder?  Does it matter?

Secondly, will the folder structure I've started setting up
("agents" structure under the current main site webroot) allow me to create
subdomains for each agents without problem? john.c21ar.com?

I can use <cfif>'s in the application.cfm (yes, still using application.cfm...
I'll work on application.cfc on the next project.  This is already
way behind schedule to change now) to determine the
agent by url variable (if they're coming to the site internally,
and cgi.server_name if they're coming to the subdomain directly
from outside the main site, via the subdomain name, john.c21ar.com.

<cfif (isdefined('url.subdomain') and url.subdomain is 'john.c21ar.com')
   or cgi.server_name contains 'john.c21ar.com'>
        (Variables setup for particular agent etc, etc.)


What's a better approach to using subdomains?

Thanks for any advice.


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