> Thanks for the feedback, Isaac...


Actually come to think of it, you can specify an arecord for
*.domain.com as a wild-card for any values that aren't otherwise set for
that domain. So you should be able to make it automatically throw people
into the agents directory with just the one a-record and save yourself
some hassle. :) It occurred to me when I started reading this that I was
rushing when I thought through the mod_rewrite thing -- because
mod_rewrite (or in your case isapi_rewrite) only goes to work after the
a-record identification has already been done, so rewrite won't help you
there. That's actually what I was thinking is that it could save you
from having to create and manage all those a-records, but I think really
just using the *.c21ar.com as a catch-all a-record should have the
effect you want. I had one of those wildcards on my turnkey.to domain a
while back, although I haven't done anything other than receive email
with that domain name in several years. 

Anyway, your logic looks fine. I would definitely wrap a couple of
cfqueryparams around those values in your query and probably create an
agent.cfc to store in the session instead of putting individual values
there. Even if all the CFC does is contain this.first_name = blah, etc.
it'll be a step in the direction of encapsulating. 


s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
     ph: 617.365.5732


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