> To clarify your statement about application.cfm...
> Are you suggesting putting an application.cfm in the main agents
> folder, and then having an application.cfm in *each* of the specific
> agents' folders and simply have that "included" application.cfm
> contain the specific variables needed an agent?
> So, that's preferable to just using one application.cfm in the main
> "agents" folder and determining the agent to use via cgi.server_name
> or url variables and a series cfif's and queries?

Umm... no my original thinking was just to have the one Application.cfm
in the root /agents/ folder to include the root app.cfm from the parent
app, so that one app.cfm in agents would run all the agents... however...
if you're planning to give them urls like /c21ar.com/agents/[agent]/
then it's conceivable you could use an application.cfm in each directory 
to identify the agent and set up the environment for their page. I 
wouldn't put all the code in their individual application.cfm however if
you're going to do that, I would create a function (or maybe even a CFC
:) in the parent application.cfm and then in the app.cfm for the
individual agent, you can just call that function to set up the
environment like 

<cfinclude template="../Application.cfm">
<cfset agentEnv = CreateObject("component","agentEnv").init() />

<cfinclude template="../Application.cfm">
<cfset agentEnv.setup("[agent]") />

if that makes sense. ;) 

but no originally I was just thinking you would have just the
/agents/Application.cfm and it would perform whatever variable 
testing it needed to perform to identify the agent. I suppose 
actually rather than another Appication.cfm in each directory 
you could just have an /index.cfm that includes "../index.cfm"
or the like - that way you've still got just the one application.cfm 
and really just the one page template too... unless you wanted 
to cache some custom layout for them in their index template. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
     ph: 617.365.5732


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