Hey everyone,

An update:

* We installed FusionReactor

* Deployed the site on a development box running CF Enterprise

* Ran a number of load tests and tests on discrete parts of the application

* Did various application and memory monitoring using both FusionReactor and 
CF's Server Monitor

* Tweaked some more code based on the tests, including:

** fixing a few application errors;

** optimizing a few cfc methods and queries that were slow:

** reconfirming that we don't have any improperly scoped variables in the app, 
and that there wasn't any weird recursion or referencing of objects

** converting some pages that require complex but more or less static database 
queries into includes that get generated when the data changes in the database 
when a new data import is performed.

** temporarily commenting out some code that invokes cfx_image3 to generate 
artifact thumbnails.

* Changed CF's Query Caching settings to zero, temporarily. 

* Retested

* Played with various JVM settings that people suggested.

No luck. Memory still keeps climbing. In fact, on some of the search results 
requests  that return a large number of records you can watch Jrun grab a good 
15-25 megs and not let it go. If you keep hitting the same page you can quickly 
force Jrun to hit it's buffer and stop responding. You shut this site down and 
restart Jrun in either dev or production and the server runs beautifully, no 
memory problems.

Here's the weird thing: when you analyze these requests and the server state 
while running the load test, the total amount of memory being consumed by 
application and session variables, objects created and destroyed during the 
request cycle, even the size of the data returned from the queries, is 
completely insignificant: 

* The total amount of memory the application's objects that are being stored in 
the application scope is less than a Meg.

* User sessions rarely take up more than a few kilobytes.

* There's nothing in the server scope.

* The largest query object clocks in at well under a megabyte.

Moreover, in the CF Server Monitor it shows that CF is actually destroying the 
objects as expected and releasing memory back into the pool. However, if you 
actually  look at Jrun in the Task Manager, it's not. And, hitting Run GC to 
invoke garbage collection in the Server Monitor doesn't get the memory back 

I'm running out of ideas. The last couple of things on our list are to rewrite 
some of the SQL to use SQL 2005's paging functionality (haven't got to that 
yet), and to try eliminating one technique we've been using. Some of our 
application-scoped singletons store a reference to our app's SessionFacade 
within themselves. This should be fine, because the SessionFacade has NO 
private/public properties, and when we invoke the SessionFacade's methods 
inside the other objects we're doing so according to best practices: declaring 
a variable that is private, i.e., <cfset otherLang = 
variables.sessionFacade.getOtherLanguage("en") />

Might we have run into a memory leak in the native SQL Server database driver? 
Or some kind of obscure JVM problem? Or maybe some kind of recursion hidden way 
in some cfc or view code that isn't causing a request to hang, but is somehow 
chewing up memory?

My next steps after this might be to engage Adobe or maybe Charlie Arehart's 
company. Anyone have experience dealing with either?



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