On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 9:01 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> But one can dream..... Like you said, I also doubt it will become open
> source this release... Or even the next, but it will happen... Mark those
> words...

While I don't think we'll get away from SQL anytime soon, I have
managed to get most of hibernate's functionality to work with CF.

I've gone so far as to use it to reverse engineer the database and
create POJO CFCs (oh, that would be a bad buzzword to start!), in line
with the source generation hibernate can do.

And, this seemed pretty cool: you can "annotate" cfcs, which are used
to build your DB schema, and it will try to update the schema as you
update the model (the cfcs).

You can run queries based on objects and whatnot, sorta, but I'm still
playing with a lot of the implementation, and want to run some load
tests as part of that, etc..

With what I've got so far, you can also drive your model and your DB
with the hibernate HBM mapping files, since I, once again, sorta
followed what hibernate already had, and mostly, I wanted to take
advantage of the nifty eclipse hibernate plugin (nice: auto-completes,
GUI relationship editor, query builder/runner, etc.).

My code is all still like, pre-alpha, but it appears to be sorta a
workable idea.

Hibernate is very robust!  Color me impressed.

Railo and BlueDragon are both entering the open source arena, there's
nothing preventing us from doing whatever we want, really.  That's a
wonderful feeling!

With MG3 (maybe with some more fleshing out of it's scaffolding), and
hibernate, we're about where you want to be, already.

I'm way on board for the idea of having some tight integration with
hibernate in the next release tho-- if it ties in with half the stuff
hibernate can do, I'd be stoked.

I'm not sure about the ethical ramifications of cfc annotation, though.

Should ColdFusion components really drive your model?  HBM mappings, even?

Eh, it's cool as fuck anyways.  =]

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 E. E. Cummings

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