Andrew Scott wrote:
> I believe IP spoofing is still a huge problem. I know little about it, so no
> more comment on that but a quick google shows that it is still a huge
> problem.

AIDS is a huge problem too. It is also about equally relevant for the 
current wave of SQL injection attacks.

> As for polymorphic functions, that is not the issue. SQL injection is mainly
> passed via the URL, header or some form of post to the server. A filter can
> be placed to introspect every request to check the URL for known SQL
> injection attacks.

Yes, a sufficiently advanced filter (basically an allow list of values) 
can do that. But you did not claim a filter could do that, you claimed 
ColdFusion could do anything cfqueryparam does under the hood. And that 
is just not true. It is impossible to extrapolate the correct datatype 
of input BIND variables from the text of the query string. You need code 
or convention for that.

> I can't vouch for php, .Net but at least in the Java world ORM reduces that
> risk to nil. And its built into the ORM, so if the ORM can't work out your
> polymorphic function in the database then how does it do it?

With an ORM in combination with an untyped language my use case of 
polymorphic functions would probably end up as a configuration issue in 
the ORM and the ORM exposing multiple functions to the application.

> This thread was about SQL injection, and a more better response would be for
> the CFML engine to intercept every request and reject anything that looks
> remotely like a sql injection attack.

But you can do that already. Just fiddle with the allowed SQL options in 
CF and observe the random failures in the application as CF tries to 
interpret SQL.

Whatever the solution is, it is not teaching CF how to interpret SQL. CF 
is the CFML runtime and should leave the interpretation of SQL to the 

> If you where in the Java, Grails world there is no such thing as
> cfqueryparam. They do it under the hood, and there is no real reason that
> Coldfusion can adopt the same.

Maybe the tags don't exist, but in Java the concepts do. In fact, the 
CFML constructs map directly to Java classes:
cfquery -> java -> jdbc -> statement
cfquery + cfqyeryparam -> java -> jdbc -> preparedstatement
cfstoredproc -> java -> jdbc -> callablestatement

And I think Dave already explained to you why you shouldn't compare 
Grails and ColdFusion. Now, if you wanted to compare ModelGlue Unity and 
Grails, you will see that neither exposes cfqueryparam like 
functionality to the programmer. (But please don't claim the concepts 
aren't there, they are just hidden behind an ORM).


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