To make sure it's not the display/debugging causing the issue, remove it
all. A dump of a large query in Firefox with Firebug will take a while (I'm
not saying 8 minutes, but a while!).

Post the query too.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Rawlins []
> Sent: 19 January 2009 10:23
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Coldfusion killed my query?
> Morning Guys and Girls,
> I'm running ColdFusion 8 Standard and SQL Server 2005 Workgroup
> edition. I'm using The standard SQL Server driver that comes with CF8.
> I'm having a strange performance issue with a particular query. When
> running the query from SSMS it returns the dataset in less than a
> second, which I'm more than happy with and kind of confirms that the
> query itself, the database and the table indexes are all correct.
> However, when I run the same query from a <cfquery> block it takes 8
> minutes to return!?!!!?!
> I also ran some tests where I would start the ColfFusion page request
> and then jump into SSMS and run the query from there at the same time,
> the query continued to return in less than a second in SSMS but still
> sat for upto 8 minutes before returning to CF.
> There are a bunch of other queries on the page, all of which run
> exactly as I would expect them too, just this one single query which is
> massively under performing. I can confirm that this performance
> decrease is not caused by slow rendering or anything as the 8 minute
> time is taken from the 'execution time' of the query displayed in its
> <cfdump>.
> Any suggestions as to what might be causing this beef?
> Cheers all,
> Rob

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