Another thing to try: put the query in a sproc and call it with
cfstoredproc.  Theoretically, modern SQL Server has made it so that cfquery
(ad-hoc) is as fast as cfstoredproc...but...maybe...

Let us know...

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Al Musella, DPM

> Try running this query by itself on a cf page, to
> see if maybe one of the other querries on the page is somehow blocking it
> At 06:03 AM 1/19/2009, you wrote:
> >Morning Adrian, thanks for getting back to me.
> >
> >This is definitely not caused by the output/dump
> >of the queries, even when all those are removed
> >it takes the same amount of time to return the
> >page. This is not a large query to return,
> >simply a single row containing 2 columns. The query looks as follows:
> >
> >Select  Sum(Case When d.LogClassName =
> >'org.thinkblue.TransferComplete' Then 1 Else 0 End) As SuccessSentCount,
> >                 Count(Distinct d.Device_ID) As UniqueDevicesCount,
> >                 Sum(Case When d.MinDate Is NULL
> > Then 0 Else 1 End) As FirstAppearanceCount
> >From    (
> >                 Select  MessageLog.Device_ID,
> >                                 FirstAppearance.MinDate,
> >                                 LogClass.Name As LogClassName
> >                 From    MessageLog
> >                 Inner Join LogClass
> >                 On      LogClass.LogClass_ID = MessageLog.LogClass_ID
> >                 Left Outer Join (
> >                                         Select  Device_ID,
> >
> >Min(LogDateTime) As MinDate
> >                                         From    MessageLog
> >                                         Inner Join LogClass
> >                                         On
> > LogClass.LogClass_ID = MessageLog.LogClass_ID
> >                                         Where LogClass.Name In (
> >
> >'org.thinkblue.TransferComplete',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.ConnectionRefused',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.Forbidden',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.NotAuthorized',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.ConnectionTimeout'
> >
> >)
> >                                         And
> > MessageLog.ThinkTank_ID = <cfqueryparam
> > value="#ARGUMENTS.ThinkTank_ID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />
> >                                         Group By    Device_ID
> >                 ) As FirstAppearance
> >                 On MessageLog.Device_ID = FirstAppearance.Device_ID
> >                 And MessageLog.LogDateTime = FirstAppearance.MinDate
> >                 Where   LogClass.Name In (
> >
> >'org.thinkblue.TransferComplete',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.ConnectionRefused',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.Forbidden',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.NotAuthorized',
> >
> >'org.openobex.Error.ConnectionTimeout'
> >                                                                 )
> >                 And
> > MessageLog.LogDateTime >= <cfqueryparam
> > value="#ARGUMENTS.StartDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" />
> >                 And
> > MessageLog.LogDateTime < <cfqueryparam
> > value="#ARGUMENTS.EndDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" />
> >                 And     ThinkTank_ID =
> > <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.ThinkTank_ID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"
> />
> >                 ) As d
> >
> >Like I say, the query actually runs fine from
> >SSMS but just not when run from CF.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Rob
> >
> > >To make sure it's not the display/debugging causing the issue, remove it
> > >all. A dump of a large query in Firefox with Firebug will take a while
> (I'm
> > >not saying 8 minutes, but a while!).
> > >
> > >Post the query too.
> > >
> > >Adrian
> >
> >

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