
Please find the code below with inline comments :)
This code is working fine... just set the variables of for input & output 
files according to your need and also the form field population part. This 
should do it... I just tested the code too and it works fine. I have tested 
this code with form created in Adobe LiveCycle 8.0

It's actually the "setFormFlattening" property which performs flattening. 
You need to set it TRUE.

I hope this helps.

<cfset inputFile = "c:\path to my source form\myform.pdf">
<cfset OutputFile1 = "c:\path to my output file unflattened\out1.pdf">
<cfset OutputFile2 = "c:\path to my output file flattened\out2.pdf">

        savedErrorMessage = "";
        // cfSearching: All file paths are relative to the current directory
        fullPathToInputFile = inputFile;
        fullPathToOutputFile1 = OutputFile1;
        fullPathToOutputFile2 = OutputFile2;

        try {
                // we create a reader for a certain document
                pdfReader1 = createObject("java", 

                //cfSearching: fill in the form fields but do not flatten the 
                outputStream1 = createObject("java", 
                pdfStamper1 = createObject("java", 
"com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(pdfReader1, outputStream1);

                form1 = pdfStamper1.getAcroFields();

                //Populating Form Fields
                //form1.setField("formfield1", value1);
                //form1.setField("formfield2", value2);

                //Flatening the form parameter - keeping it value false will 
not flaten 
the form

                //cfSearching: fill in the form fields AND flatten the form
                pdfReader2 = createObject("java", 
                outputStream2 = createObject("java", 
                pdfStamper2 = createObject("java", 
"com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(pdfReader2, outputStream2);
                form2 = pdfStamper2.getAcroFields();

                //Populating form fileds for fomr2
                //form2.setField("form2field1", "myValue");
                //form2.setField("form2field2", "myValue2");

                //Flatening the form parameter - keeping it value true will 
flaten the 


        catch (java.language.Exception de) {
                savedErrorMessage = de;

        // cfSearching: close the stamper and output stream objects


From: "Brook Davies" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 9:52 PM
To: "cf-talk" <>
Subject: RE: CFPDF can not flatten liveCycle Forms - so how do you?

> Come on Arsalan, you say " then let me tell you ... it's not much of a big
> deal :) you can use iText java"
> So then, please do tell me, or show me the code that makes this possible?
> Brook
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brook Davies []
> Sent: September-01-09 1:49 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: CFPDF can not flatten liveCycle Forms - so how do you?
> It does not seem to be possible to do flatten XFA forms, even directly via
> itext. We've tried....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arsalan Tariq Keen []
> Sent: September-01-09 4:28 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: CFPDF can not flatten liveCycle Forms - so how do you?
> if you people are concerned about flattening LiveCucle Forms (xml based 
> pdf
> forms) using coldfusion ... then let me tell you ... it's not much of a 
> big
> deal :) you can use iText java library pre-installed with CF (Adobe
> CF/Railo/Bluedragon) directly for this purpose :)
> Regards,
> Arsalan
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Paul Hastings" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 3:58 PM
> To: "cf-talk" <>
> Subject: Re: CFPDF can not flatten liveCycle Forms - so how do you?
>> might ask on the iTex list, it will be amusing anyway.

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