Guess I'm a little outnumbered - I have no degree. But then I'm an old 
fa*t who's been around and worked in everything over the years from law 
to construction before being wowed by the amazing combination of art and 
science that is the internet. Our Web Manager has a degree in 
nutritional science. Go figure. But we complement each other in the 
experience/qualification equation.

But what you're seeing is more a sign of the current times rather than 
related to any given discipline.

With so many people unfortunately out of work these days, employers (who 
are hiring) can afford to be more exacting and particular with their 
requirements of job applicants. I've seen these requirements undulate 
over the years.

Mark Atkinson
AOCS Web |

Phillip Vector wrote:
> Just curious..
> I've seen allot of jobs require lately BA/BS and not accept experience
> in it's place. What in your estimation is the percent of coldfusion
> people who have these and do you have one yourself?
> For me, I don't have any college experience and I would guess that
> about 5% of the coldfusion community actually have a BA/BS.
> Has your experience been different?

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