Bryan Stevenson: 
> It's just like in "A Beautiful Mind" where Nash saw the patterns in
> encrypted documents etc. (not that I am in any way in the same
> league...but you get my drift).  I just see it all in my head and mess
> with it there before writing the code.  Kinda drives people nuts when I
> "go away" in my head for a bit and come back with a solution to a
> problem ;-)

I was trying to find some way of responding to this that wouldn't seem
conceited... and couldn't really come up with anything, so I'll just go
ahead and say it. I thought everyone did this? Certainly not to the
extent of A Beatiful Mind or the card-counting in Rain Man, but I have a
difficult time imagining any other way of working. Although I've never
noticed that other people reacted at all to my doing it either. 

Or maybe I don't really do it to the extent that you do, but on my own
projects I tend to spend a good deal of time creating a mental model of
how to accomplish my goals before I start writing any code. On CacheBox
I knew how I wanted to implement the Agent / Service design a while
before I started writing any code, how it would hot-swap different
storage engines and gracefully downgrade from requested parameters to
meet available resources, and I had a model of the query-of-query
techniques I wanted to try (although they changed once I tested them). 

s. isaac dealey :: AutLabs 
Creating meaningful employment for people with Autism 
ph: 817.385.0301

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