> I get you though...it strikes me as odd when others can't see the
> patterns I do.  For me I think it's due to my memory...it even scares
> me sometimes....remembering line numbers or code above/below the code
> you are remembering 5 years after writing it is just creepy.

Now that's some memory! Mine isn't that good. I have a darned good
memory for technical details, but it's typically selective. So I
remember the formula for the volume of a cone, which I've never used,
but I misremember the release schedule for versions of ColdFusion. ;) 

In my case in particular, my skills are fairly slanted toward the
technical, meaning that my people skills are rusty. Just means I have to
work harder at them, but at least now I know why and I've been able to
find some books that I think are really helping me to shore up my
challenge areas. Just finished reading Words that Work, Crucial
Conversations, Influencer, Carol Dweck's Mindset and a few others this
year. And boy let me tell you, there are things in there I wish I'd
known when I presentated at cf.Objective a few years ago. :) 

> Well if this application development thing doesn't work out I can
> always be a circus freak ;-)

Maybe we missed our calling. ;) 

s. isaac dealey :: AutLabs 
Creating meaningful employment for people with Autism 
ph: 817.385.0301


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