> I'd say you're pretty accurate in your guess.  I don't have it and
> don't want it either.  For me it's as much a matter of principle as
> anything.  I got where I am today by figuring it out on my own (as I
> think most CFers have) and to me that's worth WAY more than somebody
> who sat in a classroom and had it fed to them.

No one has "sat in a classroom and had it fed to them" in college.
That's not really what college, and CS specifically, are about.

> I had an interview last week and left feeling like a complete idiot
> because I didn't have the vocabulary they were apparently looking for.

Whether or not you have a CS degree, or want one, it's important to
understand the terms of art used within your trade. I don't care how
good a programmer you are, if you can't communicate with other
programmers using the terms of art that are mutually understood by
programmers, you won't be able to do anything except work on projects
by yourself. This is true in most trades that are more sophisticated
than unskilled labor.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
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