> Coldfusion is definitely my preferred language,  but this is DEFINITELY not 
> about how coldfusion is great. it is, i will not ever
> argue.  what i'm trying to figure out is what can i interface with to create 
> a mailer application.  what technology is going to produce
> 50 to 100 thousand emails an hour out of a typical dedicated server?  does 
> anyone know.  something a little less obscure then
> "coldfusion can do anything" haha

CF uses Javamail under the covers, and Javamail is certainly capable
of this. However, there are differences between Enterprise and
Standard with regard to sending mail, so you will probably need
Enterprise for this. You'll also need a reliable and fast SMTP server
to accept the mail from CF.

All that said, Denny's recommendation to have this done by a
specialized service may be a good idea. Just because you can send lots
of mail from CF doesn't mean that people will get it.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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