I have had a similar problem with my site recently, could i ask whether you
use session variables as the structure for your login process and also
whether you have J2EE session variables enabled or just using regular
session variables (cookie based) in your CF admin settings.

Not sure if your issue is the same and i am also not sure if I have fully
solved my issue but the instances have reduced. I am restricted by the
hosting company config, they don't allow j2ee session variables and I had an
issue with the regular session variables not clearing and users could not
login.  This can be an issue with cflocation if you have a redirect post
vaildating the user credentials and you would also check that you are
clearing the session variables upon logout.  If you can enable j2ee it
should solve the issue or in my case I have a bunch of cfide cookie expiries
and structdelete's to clear the CFIDE tokens onSessionEnd in my app.cfc

I found these posts useful, may not be your issue but interesting the same:




On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 6:11 AM, Randy Zeitman <
stonerosedesigndot...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Sometimes people fail when they login to my site, even with the correct
> info.
> As I made my own log of success/fails I saw the attempts weren't even being
> logged.
> I had one user delete the temp file cache, in IE8, and it magically worked
> (and was properly logged...so now the login page actually loaded where
> before it didn't.).
> So what happened? Why did the login page not execute and the member
> automatically went to the failed login page?
> Is this just an IE thing?... What could I do on my CF side to make sure the
> login page executes?
> Thanks (for helping this novice... one day I'll be intermediate).
> Randy

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