A form post shouldn't be cached, and https URLs shouldn't be cached
either. Does your login page perform a form post? Does it use SSL? For
the login attempts you say aren't logged in your custom logging
solution, do the Web server logs have any record of the form posts? If
your Web server is showing hits, then you can bump caching down on the
list of possibilities. Inspect the Web log for one of the failed login
attempts and compare it to a successful login, The difference between
the two could reveal the problem, assuming you are logging detailed
information, such as cookie contents.

The most common error I have seen that fits these symptoms is that the
logout page and the login page are the same page, such as
login.cfm?action=logout. People bookmark the logout page, thinking
they are bookmarking the login page, and the login logic doesn't
account for this possibility.

Good luck,
Mike Chabot

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Randy Zeitman
<stonerosedesigndot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Sometimes people fail when they login to my site, even with the correct info.
> As I made my own log of success/fails I saw the attempts weren't even being 
> logged.
> I had one user delete the temp file cache, in IE8, and it magically worked 
> (and was properly logged...so now the login page actually loaded where before 
> it didn't.).
> So what happened? Why did the login page not execute and the member 
> automatically went to the failed login page?
> Is this just an IE thing?... What could I do on my CF side to make sure the 
> login page executes?
> Thanks (for helping this novice... one day I'll be intermediate).
> Randy

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