In the past I had issues staying logged in if the url didn’t have the www. in 
it, you could log in but every page would ask you for a login and this was just 
with setting a reg session, so I forced the www. on the name and it was fine 

> I have seen some problems with jQuery and IE8 caching.  IE8 sees the 
> same URL variables and decides to use the cached page rather than 
> loading the page again.  I added a time stamp variable (foo=hhmmss) to 
> my URLs and IE sees the different URL variables and loads the page 
> rather than using the cached version.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Zeitman [] 
> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:12 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Clients Can't Login - IE8 Caching?
> Sometimes people fail when they login to my site, even with the 
> correct info.
> As I made my own log of success/fails I saw the attempts weren't even 
> being logged.
> I had one user delete the temp file cache, in IE8, and it magically 
> worked (and was properly now the login page actually 
> loaded where before it didn't.).
> So what happened? Why did the login page not execute and the member 
> automatically went to the failed login page?
> Is this just an IE thing?... What could I do on my CF side to make 
> sure the login page executes?
> Thanks (for helping this novice... one day I'll be intermediate).
> Randy 

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