I have seen some problems with jQuery and IE8 caching.  IE8 sees the same URL 
variables and decides to use the cached page rather than loading the page 
again.  I added a time stamp variable (foo=hhmmss) to my URLs and IE sees the 
different URL variables and loads the page rather than using the cached version.

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Zeitman [mailto:stonerosedesigndot...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:12 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Clients Can't Login - IE8 Caching?

Sometimes people fail when they login to my site, even with the correct info.

As I made my own log of success/fails I saw the attempts weren't even being 

I had one user delete the temp file cache, in IE8, and it magically worked (and 
was properly logged...so now the login page actually loaded where before it 

So what happened? Why did the login page not execute and the member 
automatically went to the failed login page?

Is this just an IE thing?... What could I do on my CF side to make sure the 
login page executes?

Thanks (for helping this novice... one day I'll be intermediate).


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