Adrocknaphobia wrote:
> Brandon,
> What would you consider "an arm and a leg"?
> We originally started work on ColdFusion Builder as a feature of ColdFusion
> 9. In fact it was a the highest requested feature for CF9 despite the
> existence of CFEclipse, Dreamweaver and HomeSite. But as our vision for a
> comprehensive ColdFusion IDE grew, it made more sense to turn it into it's
> own product. What I mean to say is that we built this for the community, not
> to supplement ColdFusion revenue. Adobe isn't looking for a pay day on CB so
> you shouldn't expect to have to part with your appendages. :-)
> -Adam
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Brandon <> wrote:
>> I tried CFBuilder for several months and finally got fed up with glitchy
>> code-folding.  Plus, I don't want to get too used to a tool that's going to
>> end up costing an arm and a leg.  Eclipse + plugins seems to handle
>> everything I need, without beta-testing bugs.

Adam, I think the main issue for many is that CFBuilder ORM capabilities
are the real selling point over CFEclipse. Once people migrate to CF9,
there will be a real reason to buy it. At this point, most of us are
stuck with CF8 or less so CFB that much better than the alternative.

  I am using CFB beta 3 and it isn't ready for prime time yet. I hope
Adobe engineers are hard at work updating b3 into b4 and are not going
to rush the boxed version out the door yet. I sure hope that those
engineers weren't on a RIF list.

  I want Adobe to make money so they can keep employees on the payroll
and support us developers with documentation and training. My hope is
that they will have a beta 4 that will fix the significant issues with
beta 3. I think that $150 to 200 for CFB would be a fair price if it
relieves me of having to reinstall CFEclipse and mess with a bunch of
plug-ins, etc. If the funds would go to an active development team, I
would be very happy. You probably would be too.

  Right now, I consider a price of $250 like Flex Builder to be too much
for most people outside of high end companies. I did put it in my budget
for 2010, but that was before I used it extensively.

  Thanks, Roger

MissHunt: (Home of the Clean/Dirty Magnet)
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