> We have an app with a protected area that just using a basic session check
> in application.cfm.  In the protected area there is a directory of PDFs.  No
> one can access them through the app without logging in.  If the person knew
> the url to the pdf though it would serve since application.cfm would not run
> to check the session.  Is there any quick way to secure these?  Maybe with
> windows authentication?  I know we could make a cfm page to look up and
> serve the file so the link to the pdf is never exposed but these are
> uploaded via a cms and the link put into the page by the client that would
> be more of a training exercise to make sure they are using the right link to
> the pdf, etc.

This kind of thing comes up quite a bit on the list, did you search
the archives?

Your options are:

1. Implement web server authentication on a per-directory basis. This
is somewhat unsatisfactory, since it would require authenticated users
to reenter their credentials when downloading the PDF from within the

2. Place the files in a directory that's not web-accessible, and use
CFCONTENT to serve the files. This is somewhat unsatisfactory also,
since it requires you to use CF to serve files instead of your web
server. That can cause performance problems on a busy site.

3. Configure CF to serve ALL files that may be downloaded through the
site. This approach has the performance problems of the previous
approach (and then some, potentially, since you may have files that
are unrestricted but still processed by CF), but it doesn't require
you to write any code.

4. Keep the files in a directory that's not web-accessible, but make
the files or the directory web-accessible on a temporary basis. This
can be done several ways: using symlinks, copying  and deleting files,
creating and destroying virtual directories in your web server. This
is also somewhat unsatisfactory, since it requires you to write code
to make this happen. However, it's the approach I prefer, as it solves
the problems of the first three approaches.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or o

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