Thanks for the reply, Dave. See my notes below.

> First, can you try this without clustering in place? That is, do you
> have a single-server environment you can try?

I'll have to check with a colleague about whether we've seen this in a 
non-clustered environment. We use clustering more for stability than for 
load-balancing. We have gotten Hotspot errors that have caused CF to crash, and 
the clustering allows the service to stay up until we can relaunch the crashed 
instances. We could automate this, but it would still result in downtime if we 
didn't have the clustering in place.

> Second, can you upgrade your JVM to the latest 1.4.2_xx? You can't
> upgrade to 1.5 as it'll break web services, if I recall correctly.

Good suggestion. I'll do this with the next CF restart, which will almost 
undoubtably have to happen today to correct the ClassNotFoundException.

> Third, can you check your environment for Hotspot errors? Jochem
> suggested you disable Hotspot, but if you're not getting those errors
> that shouldn't be a problem. They look like "hs_err_pid_XXX.log"
> somewhere within your CF directory, just search the whole thing to 
> see
> if they're there - I think they get dropped into the same directory 
> as
> the JVM, but am not sure offhand.

As I mentioned in response to #1, we do get these, but they're rare, only 
occurring once every few months or so. When they happen, they take down the 
whole CF instance. I've disabled the JIT for now to see if it helps with our 
web services problem.

> Fourth, can you uncheck the "save class files" option in CF 
> Administrator?

Done. Do you know if this setting affects cfc-skeletons?

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