Keep in mind that there are different PDF types. There are nicely
formatted reports that export as a PDF, then there PDFs that have a
less-defined structure. It is the difference between cfreport and
cfdocument. A number of options open up to you if you are able to deal
with the constraints of a professional report generation tool.

Make sure to read the optimization notes related to cfdocument. There
are tricks you can do which speed up embedding of images, which are
documented in a number of places, including the online help. If
cfdocument is having to go fetch images over http every time it runs
that can really slow it down and become a bottleneck. You can embed
images from a local hard drive. Are you using the localurl="yes"
attribute? If you are generating PDFs from remote content, and the
images are often the same across reports, you can predownload the
images and cache them locally, then use the local cache when
generating the PDF.

Good luck,
Mike Chabot

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Shaun Webster <> wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone know of an easy alternate to create dynamic pdf that does not use 
> cfdocument?
> We have gotten into a situation on our server that use CF7 standard (not 
> multi thread) where some 2-5 page pdfs  w/ a few images block up the thread 
> que and eventually crash jrun.
> This happens regularly and we need to find a solution.  Lets say they have to 
> stay on the same server and an enterprise license is out of the question.
> The thread looks to get hung up at...  java.awt.image.PixelGrabber.grabPixels
> Any help or direction is much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Shaun Webster

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