LocalURL came into being with coldfusion 8,, and he said he is using cf7

>Make sure to read the optimization notes related to cfdocument. There
>are tricks you can do which speed up embedding of images, which are
>documented in a number of places, including the online help. If
>cfdocument is having to go fetch images over http every time it runs
>that can really slow it down and become a bottleneck. You can embed
>images from a local hard drive. Are you using the localurl="yes"
>attribute? If you are generating PDFs from remote content, and the
>images are often the same across reports, you can predownload the
>images and cache them locally, then use the local cache when
>generating the PDF.
>Good luck,
>Mike Chabot
>On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Shaun Webster <sh...@webvalve.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > Does anyone know of an easy alternate to create dynamic pdf that 
> does not use cfdocument?
> >
> > We have gotten into a situation on our server that use CF7 
> standard (not multi thread) where some 2-5 page pdfs  w/ a few 
> images block up the thread que and eventually crash jrun.
> > This happens regularly and we need to find a solution.  Lets say 
> they have to stay on the same server and an enterprise license is 
> out of the question.

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