For some people, there's a lot not to like about Dreamweaver or
CFBuilder...primarily that we already own paid for and licensed copies of
Homesite+.  Now, I'm one of the lucky ones who also owns Dreamweaver CS4 and
CFBuilder, but, honestly, I can't get used to either of them...there are
enough niggling little annoyances in both of them to have me going back to

For example:

Dreamweaver's code completion is broken.  And by broken, I mean it isn't
there.  I want to type <atag> and have it automatically create </atag> as
soon as I type the last caret in the opening tag.  It doesn't do that.

CFBuilder insists that I work in "projects".  Sorry, CFBuilder and Eclipse,
that's not how I work and stop trying to force me into a work paradigm that
I don't like.

So, yeah, there are those of us who prefer to use HomeSite+, just like there
are people who still use vi.

To those of you who aren't using Dreamweaver, CFBuilder, or Homesite+, what
are you using and how does it work for CF development?


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Larry Lyons <> wrote:

> In all honesty maybe its time to move on. Homesite+ and CF STudio are
> ancient, and have been eol's a while back. CFBuilder or CFEclipse are viable
> replacements and are more capable in many ways. than a fossil like HS.
> > I just bought a new computer with Windows 7. My beloved Home Site+
> > won't work in Windows 7. It worked fine with XP and 2000.
> >
> > What are you all using for development on windows 7 that has similar
> > functionality to Home Site+?
> >
> > I was also using the client tools of Enterprise Manager for SQL Server
> > 2000 on Windows XP to remotely connect to my databases. Now I've read
> > that won't work either on Windows 7. Any suggestions for that?
> >
> > Sebastian

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