On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Brad Wood <b...@bradwood.com> wrote:
> One of the most common scenarios for me is when I've downloaded some bit of 
> code or UDF off the Internet.  Since it's not part of any actual site yet and 
> probably laying on my desktop in a zip file, I'll just want to quickly open 
> it up and read through it to see if I feel like using it or just want to 
> delete it.

Don't need a project for that. You can just open the files from the File view.

> My 2nd most common scenario is usually some bit of javascript or HTML code 
> that I have copied and wish to toss in a temporary .html file and quickly 
> edit for the sake of veiwing in a browser.

You'd need to do in an existing project (I have a scratch project for
such purposes based on my default webroot).

> My 3rd scenario is the very handy HTML and XML code formatted from Homesite.  
> I would regularly use Homsite to open random config files off my hard drive 
> for formatting that had nothing to do with the web.  So, sometimes I will 
> want to use a feature of the editor on a random text file.

Could use File view to open files (so you don't need a project) and
I'm pretty sure HTML / XML formatting is built in (to CFBuilder).

> And my 4th scenario is the rare occasion that I would need to open a file 
> directly off one of my staging or production servers via a
> UNC file path.  Loading hundreds of megs of code over a network into a 
> project just to deal with one file is not really an option.

Again, File view works for that.

Thanx for sharing the scenarios. I find it very interesting to hear
how other developers work since we all have strong preferences
regarding our workflows :)

Of course, I'm on a Mac so Homesite/CFS has never been an option but
I've used a lot of different editors / IDEs over the years...
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://getrailo.com/
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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